NFL Prefers The Present Tense of Rams Marketing Platform "I Believe"
“Believe In Now” is the season long theme for the NFL’s 2008 NFL campaign. The league introduced the marketing platform, along with the logo for Super Bowl XLIII, to about 300 licensees, team officials and retailers who gathered at Dolphin Stadium in Miami Gardens, Fla., last month for the sixth annual summit of “hard lines,” or nonapparel, licensees.
“We want fans to feel like they can’t miss a moment, because there might be a ‘now’ moment at any time during the season.” said Jaime Weston, the league’s director of brand management and integration marketing and sales. “ We decided to go with something
that focused
on the emotion and passion of the NFL while dialing up the sense of urgency,”
Something new
was last years proof of concept,"I Believe", the St Louis Rams Television and Micro Site Campaign, headed up by Bob Reif, President of Audible Marketing & Sports.
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2008 "Who Believe's Now?" KC CHIEF'S SPOT
2007 "I Believe" ST LOUIS RAM'S Spot
I BelieveBelieve in NowNFLSt Louis RamsBob ReifAudible Sports And Marketing